Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Big 12 and the BCS Thing

I will not pretend to be a sports expert by any means, though chances are you will be hard pressed to find someone that knows more about tennis than I do. As for college football, and what was supposedly "found out" last night about Texas Tech and Oklahoma, I disagree with the majority of what is being said. Sorry if you are an Oklahoma fan. But the whole Texas Tech is a poseur and Oklahoma is the real deal...sorry I don't buy it. And more ridiculous is the idea that Oklahoma has now proven themselves better than Texas and because Texas is idle, that Oklahoma will jump them in the BCS and the Polls.

Now here is the thing, I am not saying that Oklahoma isn't better, for this week, but not much. I simply ask people to look at the schedules. First Texas was asked to go through Oklahoma on a neutral field, Missouri, Ok St. and Texas Tech in Lubbock in successive games. This argument has been used to discredit TT's win as Texas simply ran out of gas. Texas Tech was asked to go through Kansas @ Kansas, Texas, Ok St. and Oklahoma in Norman in successive games. I tend to think the week off hurt Texas Tech regardless of having to go through that schedule. And then there is Oklahoma. They lost to Texas on a neutral field, beat the then slumping Kansas team by 14 at home, and then had two wins over the clearly lesser teams of Kansas State (5-7) and Nebraska (7-4)...and then had two weeks to prepare for Texas Tech at home. And apparently, it is a forgone conclusion that they will go to Oklahoma St. next week and win easily.

When I look back on all of this...perhaps it is more an indictment of the BCS than anything else. It all depends on when you lose and how your schedule shapes up, etc. And we can look at the ACC where no team apparently is good enough to win more than 2 games in a row and ask how in the hell is any team there going to a BCS game when once again an undefeated Boise St. team will be shut out. I think Bob Stoops can tell you that they are worthy of a BCS game. So what does it all mean? Not much I guess. Politics and computers win out. Oh by the way, one if not two of Oklahoma, Texas and Texas Tech will not be going to a BCS game. Make sense?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"This is Just the Beginning"...hopefully

“This is just the beginning of the new Libertarian Party,” says Bob Barr, the 2008 Libertarian Party nominee for president. “In these next four years, there will be an even greater need for a political party fully dedicated to lower taxes, smaller government and more individual freedom—a voice for liberty.”

“This year, we set a solid foundation for freedom, on which we will build a strong and united political organization that advances freedom and liberty in the United States,” says Barr. “I, and all Americans who support true liberty, owe a great debt of gratitude to our staff, donors, volunteers and voters who helped support this campaign.”

Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. Congressman Barr was the 2008 Libertarian Party Nominee for President.
The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Find This Odd?

Obama won the election last night. 52-46% of the popular vote. Not exactly what I would call a mandate. But a reasonable difference. A little bigger than Bush's win over Kerry. I have a question though...does anyone find what happened in California a little odd? Barry beat John 61-36% in the vote, and that is a lot of people voting. However, the gay marriage ban that was on the ballot passed. How is that possible? It wasn't an amendment to approve gay marriage, but to ban it. Perhaps I do not understand how so many people that voted for Barack would vote for something like thinkers that they are and all. Oh, did I mention that issue 4 did not pass? Abortion is acceptable in all ways (and yes, I know its not a black and white issue, there is plenty of grey area)...but keep those damn queers away from the chapel. Right?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So This Is It...

Election day is here. I won't kid you and say that at this point in my life I am not a pessimist. I am. I've been through too much shit...and am still going through it on a daily/hourly basis not to be. I won't pretend that what I am going to say is some polished, deep argument. If my mind was in a better place, then perhaps it would be.

I can not in good faith pull the lever for Obama or McCain. Rhetoric is nice and makes you feel good, but that really isn't what being president is about. I think. Obama has largely gotten a free pass from the media. Please don't try to make an argument that the media is not left-wing. It is. I know too little about Obama, and no one is going to bother to investigate. They have signed off and thrown any thought of inquiry to the wind. As for the so-called associations, I won't harp or anything to that extent like some right-wing blowhard (cuz I'm not one). I'll say that Barry was either naive knew damn well what these people thought, which is unfortunate, or he is very naive (which is scary). I think he is too smart of a guy to be naive.And on top of that I really don't like or believe the policies. There is simply not a way to pay for all of the programs he states he will enact by simply increasing the tax rate by a small percentage on those making over $250K...or is it $200K...or is it $150K...or well, I guess if the number keeps going down far enough, maybe it will.

I can not vote for McCain either. If McCain was the person I thought he was in 2000...well, probably not then either. But I can't vote for him. He did what he to do...saddle up with the Republicans more so than he had in the last few years. Make amends with Jerry Fallwell (asshole). Be gung ho on going into Iraq. Make like a socialist and approve the bailout and speak of buying up the defaulted mortgages. And choose a VP candidate that...while she makes a nice piece for SNL has done little else. And with that completely shot to shit the argument about Obama not having enough experience. Oh, did I mention that Obama (the true believer in change that he is) went with Joe Biden for his VP? The true fighter for the common man? Right.

So...being more inclined toward smaller government and somewhat of a libertarian in my way of thinking, I will be voting for Bob Barr. Well, that and the fact that I no longer have any idea what Ron Paul is trying to accomplish. I'm not overly thrilled about Barr, who used to be a Republican and originally voted for the war. But I guess changing your position at some point is better than staying with it til' you've driven everything into the ground. I'm sure those who are voting for Obama/Biden can appreciate that in relation to Joe's voting record.

I am a big fan of many, many musicians and actors/actresses. However, I do not need them telling me that I need to vote the Democratic party-line every election. That is simply insulting. It is. Collages for music videos interspersed with "yes we can" and thanks. I understand you think the country is in the toilet and that every word coming out of Barack's mouth is gold. Sorry. Can't buy me. That all being said, I really am not enthused about the thought of waking up Wednesday regardless of which of the big two win. I still believe that 3rd-party voices need to be heard, even though I know that they are also far from perfect. I used to have somewhat of a love for politics, but by the end of this election season, I really don't know if I want to think about it ever again.